following post has been making its way around social media. And, I think we are
all getting exhausted from the rhetoric from both sides.
Trump Supporters; Let’s have a conversation, time to clear some things up about
what you believe below.
“If you are a liberal who can’t stand Trump, and cannot possibly fathom why anyone would ever vote for him, let me fill you in.
It’s not that we love Donald Trump so much. It’s that we can’t stand you.
And we will do whatever it takes — even if that means electing a rude, obnoxious, unpredictable, narcissist (your words not ours) to the office of President of the United States — because the thing we find more dangerous to this nation than Donald Trump is YOU.
How is that possible you might ask?
Well, you have done everything in your power to destroy our country.
From tearing down the police, to tearing down our history, to tearing down our borders.
From systematically destroying our schools and brainwashing our kids into believing socialism is the answer to anything (despite being an unmitigated failure everywhere), while demonizing religion and faith, and glorifying abortion, violence, and thug culture.
From calling us racists every time we expect everyone of any skin color to follow our laws equally to gaslighting us about 52 genders, polyamory, grown men in dresses sharing public locker rooms with little girls, and normalize the sexualization of young children, you simultaneously ridicule us for having the audacity to wish someone a “Merry Christmas” or hang a flag on the 4th of July, stand for the national anthem, or (horror of horrors) don a MAGA hat in public.
So much for your “tolerance.”
(See why we think you are just hypocrites??)
What is described above is the FAKE NEWS that keeps being peddled. So let me clarify how many of us feel.
Many of us
respect law enforcement and the risk that is taken when choosing to serve
and protect. But the fact that we have good cops leaving the force due to
the corruption and infiltration of cops who have power complexes and are
not adhering to their oath, should tell you that we are not the only ones
seeing the corruption. We want accountability, better resources and for
our cops not to be the only option for a mental health call that they are
not qualified to handle.
Our schools are being destroyed because funding is continuously pulled from them and budgets for administration are inflated. We have a Secretary of Education whose children are in private schools, has multiple homes and a yacht, tell me how she can relate to working class parents? Not to mention, out of the top ten states for the worst education, 8 of those are Red States. Ask your local legislators why that is.
No one is demonizing your faith, many of us are also religious. We are questioning how you can align a man who exploits your faith for his own gain, with Christian Values. He has a repeated record of lying, stealing and cheating. Values that the bible refers to as sins.
I am not sure which Liberals you are referring to that are OK with a grown man sharing a locker room with a young girl, but I personally don’t let any adults (besides myself) be around my children when they’re dressing. To insinuate that we don’t value our children the same as you is asinine. However, for the little boy who feels like he’s in the wrong body at the age of 8 and feels suicidal, I will make concessions to save that child and try to understand his plight. A sexual predator is another thing and on that note, I would ask why you are not more disturbed by the flight logs that Trump’s name is on for planes to Jeffrey Epstein’s island. Or the fact that he’s said would date his own daughter if she were not his. Or the fact that he says it’s OK to “grab a woman by the P&$$@” Rest assured that I am not OK with ANY politician normalizing this behavior, Left or Right. You shouldn’t be either.
Abortion is nothing to glorify, it’s something to prevent through common sense measures. Perhaps if we hadn’t shut down the very organizations that offer comprehensive birth control methods at little to no cost, we would be able to prevent abortion. But you chose to focus on 3% of their services, which were NOT federally funded. I agree, abortion should not be used as a birth control method and only in circumstances of rape or medical necessity. So let’s find a way, together, to prevent those procedures by actually educating our children on sex education and making sure they have methods to protect themselves, not just from unwanted pregnancies, but diseases that could cause their death.
And Christmas? I love Christmas, I say “Merry Christmas.” I do all that Christmas stuff, cookies, Santa, the tree, you freaking name it, and I’m doing it! But I also have respect for other cultures who just like most of us, have immigrant origin. And just like I respect your faith (which did NOT originate in America) I choose to respect theirs as well by saying Happy Holidays. I don’t consider it a “War On Christmas.” It’s not, it’s a sign of respect that you yourself are asking for.
And the American Flag? I have ZERO problem with honoring our country. What I do have a problem with is its being hijacked by right wing ideology of those who also fly the traitor flag in unison. Yes, the confederate flag is Anti-American. As it was flown by an opposing side who wanted to separate from AMERICAN COLONIES. To fly it is contradictory to your message when you’re trying to show pride for OUR country. Let’s all fly the flag and not attribute it to one side or the other, let’s reclaim it as a sign of unity on our common goal to live amongst each other, even if we live differently. Isn’t that what our nation was founded upon?
We’re also not interested in the fact that you think you can unilaterally decide that 250 years of the right-to-bear-arms against a tyrannical or ineffective government should be abolished because you can’t get the violence in the cities you manage under control. That free-speech should be tossed out the window, and that those who disagree with your opinions are fair game for public harassment or doxing. Those spoiled children with nose-rings and tats who still live off their parent’s dime should be allowed to destroy cities and people's livelihoods without repercussions. That chaos, and lawlessness, and disrespect for authority should be the norm.
This is your agenda. And you wonder why we find you more dangerous than Donald Trump?
I am curious why you believe that Liberals are not gun owners? Do you know how many of us there are? Just because we don’t support the NRA which has monetized the 2nd amendment with its own TV channel, which have programs that demonstrate how you can “craft with guns,” is ridiculous. If you are not acknowledging that a gun is a tool to protect yourself and instead, considering it an accessory, this is the problem we are referring to. Instead, what we want is for an acknowledgement that guns are getting into the wrong hands. We have mentally ill and dangerous people out there that are able to legally buy guns with vague vetting in the name of the 2nd Amendment. Without a record they can legally purchase a gun in some states, easier than others. And when we have irresponsible gun owners not properly securing their weapons, we have also given these unbalanced people access to something that can cause mass tragedy. If good gun owners want to keep their rights intact we have to ensure only responsible people have access to them. And “good guys with guns” aren’t preventing any of the things you mention above.
As for the spoiled children with tattoos and nose rings who live off their parents, there are plenty of those on the right as well. If you are going to lump peaceful liberal demonstrators with Antifa, then I guess we have the right to lump all Trump Supporters with White Nationalists? By the way, all of what you are describing above have happened on Trump's watch, this was not the way it was prior to his being in office. How is he going to resolve a problem he perpetuates?
Your narrative is a constant drone of oppressor/oppressed race-baiting intended to divide the country in as many ways as you possibly can. You love to sell “victim-hood” to people of color every chance you get because it’s such an easy sell, compared to actually teaching people to stand on their own two feet and take personal responsibility for their own lives and their own communities and their own futures. But you won’t do that, you will never do that, because then you will lose control over people of color. They might actually start thinking for themselves, God forbid!
We don’t have to sell “victim-hood,” as stated above. They ARE victims and they are telling us that. We are just supporting their message just as the Equal Rights Movement has done for decades. You believe “they” can stand on their own two feet, and take personal responsibility. Breonna Taylor is just one of many examples of someone who was doing that. The cops who shot her without cause while she was sleeping, have still not been held accountable. When will you speak to that injustice? Or does it not matter because she is a person of color? Had she been White, I am certain this would have played out differently. And to insinuate that “they” cannot think for themselves because we want to control them, is like saying their race is less intelligent and proving why we believe there's more racism in the Republican party than not. Prove us wrong.
This is why we will vote for Donald Trump.
Not because he is the most charming character on the block.
Not because he is the most polite politician to have ever graced the oval office.
Not because he is the most palatable choice, or because we love his moral character or because the man never lies, but because we are sick to death of you and all of the destructive crap you are doing to this once beautiful and relatively safe country.
Your ineffective and completely dysfunctional liberal “leadership”(?) has literally destroyed our most beautiful cities, our public education system, and done it’s damndest to rip faith out of people’s lives.
I will not fault you for why you voted for him in 2016. He was not your typical career politician that many of us were tired of. MANY of us wanted change for America and Election Day was not easy for us either. It was a lesser of two evils. But at the end of the day, you don’t hire someone without any experience for the very job they are applying for. Hiring Trump to run America without any true understanding of the political system, laws or global relationships was the equivalent of hiring a butcher to be a gynecologist. And to this, I say no one should ever be allowed to run for that position without having served in some political capacity whether that be a Mayor, State Representative, Governor, etc. There has to be a track record of their donors, what they support and what they have voted for so American Voters have something tangible to support their voting decision. Without making these types of changes, we will continue to have people like Kanye West on our ballots. Our democracy is not a joke.
However bad Donald Trump may be, and he is far from perfect, every day we look at you and feel that no matter what Donald Trump says or does there is no possible way he could be any worse for our country than you people are.
We are sick to death of your stupid, destructive, ignorant, and intolerant behavior and beliefs — parading as “wokeness.” We are beyond sick of your hypocrisy and B.S.
We are fed up with your disrespectful divisiveness and constant unrelenting harping and whining and complaining (while you live in the most privileged nation in the world), while making literally zero contributions of anything positive to our society. Your entire focus is on ripping things down, never ever building anything up. Think about that as there is something fundamentally very wrong in the psychology of people who choose destruction as their primary modus operandi.
When Donald J Trump is reelected, don’t blame us, look in the mirror and blame yourselves.
We won’t be doing this either. Why? Because you yourselves had an opportunity to look for a better candidate for your party and support their efforts to take on Trump within his own party in 2020. You’ve acknowledged several points about how you know he is essentially corrupt, but you continue to blame us for the fact that he is President. Your party had a chance to jump off the “Trump Train” and find someone more qualified and reasonable. Had you done so, you might have turned Liberal Voters into Republican Voters. Instead you’ve had many Republican’s jump ship and choose Country over Party, as you always should. Where is your accountability for keeping someone within your own party that you think is terrible? If you don’t believe there is a better candidate within your own party that is not what you described about the President you support, what does that say about Republican values?
Because you are the ones that are responsible for the rise of Donald Trump. You are the ones who have created this "monster" that you so despise, by your very actions. By your refusal to respect your fellow Americans, and the things that are important to us.
You have made fun of the “fly-over states,” the people who “cling to their guns and religion,” the middle class factory workers and coal miners and underprivileged rural populations that you dismissively call “yahoos” and “deplorables.” You have mocked our faith and our religion. You have mocked our values and our patriotism. You have trampled our flag and insulted our veterans and treated our first responders with contempt and hatred.
You have made environmentalism your religion, while trashing every city you have taken responsibility for. You scream from the rooftops about “global warming” and a “green new deal” while allowing tens of thousands of homeless people to cover your streets in literal sh!t and garbage and needles and plastic waste without doing a single thing to help them or solve the environmental crisis your failed social policies are creating. But we’re supposed to put YOU in charge of the environment while gutting our entire economy to institute this plan when you can’t even clean up a single city??
You do realize that 3 years, ago the “threats” you claim today were not so. You were instilled with irrational fear in order to obtain your votes. Instead rural communities have been greatly impacted by Tariff’s that WE pay for, not China. This left many farmers at risk of losing everything they worked hard for. To fix this, Trump provided bail outs, on YOUR dime to appear he was fixing a problem HE created. And where are the factories and jobs he promised us? How is rural American thriving under his reign?
Many of us are Veterans, love Veterans and support Veterans. Instead he's taken credit for a Bill to support Veterans that John McCain, also a Veteran which Trump insulted before and after his death, actually wrote. And back to my point of track records, Biden has voted more than not on bills that support Veterans, as his own son was a war Veteran. Instead, you defend a man who’s draft-dodged multiple times and whose sons did not serve themselves And you’re OK with him insulting Veterans? How is that Patriotic?
Yes, let’s speak about that homelessness and trash on the streets. Let’s talk about the fact that during the Reagan administration the War on Drugs was the start of punishing, not rehabilitating. We have privatized prison systems, which are money making machines. We have depleted funds for mental hospitals and rehab facilities. Those homeless people are both victims of mental illness and addiction. Many of those addicts are from rural America and small towns that have been plagued by the opioid crisis that was a direct result of pharmaceutical companies pushing drugs and "Dr. Feel Good’s" over-prescribing a drug that proved to be cheaper in the form of heroin after someone had already become addicted to a prescribed medication. Take a look at the funding records of many of these politicians and see who their donors are--follow the money. This is on the Left AND the Right.
You complain — endlessly — yet have failed to solve a single social problem anywhere. In fact, all you have done is create more of them.
Our schools are being destroyed because funding is continuously pulled from them and budgets for administration are inflated. We have a Secretary of Education whose children are in private schools, has multiple homes and a yacht, tell me how she can relate to working class parents? Not to mention, out of the top ten states for the worst education, 8 of those are Red States. Ask your local legislators why that is.
No one is demonizing your faith, many of us are also religious. We are questioning how you can align a man who exploits your faith for his own gain, with Christian Values. He has a repeated record of lying, stealing and cheating. Values that the bible refers to as sins.
I am not sure which Liberals you are referring to that are OK with a grown man sharing a locker room with a young girl, but I personally don’t let any adults (besides myself) be around my children when they’re dressing. To insinuate that we don’t value our children the same as you is asinine. However, for the little boy who feels like he’s in the wrong body at the age of 8 and feels suicidal, I will make concessions to save that child and try to understand his plight. A sexual predator is another thing and on that note, I would ask why you are not more disturbed by the flight logs that Trump’s name is on for planes to Jeffrey Epstein’s island. Or the fact that he’s said would date his own daughter if she were not his. Or the fact that he says it’s OK to “grab a woman by the P&$$@” Rest assured that I am not OK with ANY politician normalizing this behavior, Left or Right. You shouldn’t be either.
Abortion is nothing to glorify, it’s something to prevent through common sense measures. Perhaps if we hadn’t shut down the very organizations that offer comprehensive birth control methods at little to no cost, we would be able to prevent abortion. But you chose to focus on 3% of their services, which were NOT federally funded. I agree, abortion should not be used as a birth control method and only in circumstances of rape or medical necessity. So let’s find a way, together, to prevent those procedures by actually educating our children on sex education and making sure they have methods to protect themselves, not just from unwanted pregnancies, but diseases that could cause their death.
And Christmas? I love Christmas, I say “Merry Christmas.” I do all that Christmas stuff, cookies, Santa, the tree, you freaking name it, and I’m doing it! But I also have respect for other cultures who just like most of us, have immigrant origin. And just like I respect your faith (which did NOT originate in America) I choose to respect theirs as well by saying Happy Holidays. I don’t consider it a “War On Christmas.” It’s not, it’s a sign of respect that you yourself are asking for.
And the American Flag? I have ZERO problem with honoring our country. What I do have a problem with is its being hijacked by right wing ideology of those who also fly the traitor flag in unison. Yes, the confederate flag is Anti-American. As it was flown by an opposing side who wanted to separate from AMERICAN COLONIES. To fly it is contradictory to your message when you’re trying to show pride for OUR country. Let’s all fly the flag and not attribute it to one side or the other, let’s reclaim it as a sign of unity on our common goal to live amongst each other, even if we live differently. Isn’t that what our nation was founded upon?
We’re also not interested in the fact that you think you can unilaterally decide that 250 years of the right-to-bear-arms against a tyrannical or ineffective government should be abolished because you can’t get the violence in the cities you manage under control. That free-speech should be tossed out the window, and that those who disagree with your opinions are fair game for public harassment or doxing. Those spoiled children with nose-rings and tats who still live off their parent’s dime should be allowed to destroy cities and people's livelihoods without repercussions. That chaos, and lawlessness, and disrespect for authority should be the norm.
This is your agenda. And you wonder why we find you more dangerous than Donald Trump?
I am curious why you believe that Liberals are not gun owners? Do you know how many of us there are? Just because we don’t support the NRA which has monetized the 2nd amendment with its own TV channel, which have programs that demonstrate how you can “craft with guns,” is ridiculous. If you are not acknowledging that a gun is a tool to protect yourself and instead, considering it an accessory, this is the problem we are referring to. Instead, what we want is for an acknowledgement that guns are getting into the wrong hands. We have mentally ill and dangerous people out there that are able to legally buy guns with vague vetting in the name of the 2nd Amendment. Without a record they can legally purchase a gun in some states, easier than others. And when we have irresponsible gun owners not properly securing their weapons, we have also given these unbalanced people access to something that can cause mass tragedy. If good gun owners want to keep their rights intact we have to ensure only responsible people have access to them. And “good guys with guns” aren’t preventing any of the things you mention above.
As for the spoiled children with tattoos and nose rings who live off their parents, there are plenty of those on the right as well. If you are going to lump peaceful liberal demonstrators with Antifa, then I guess we have the right to lump all Trump Supporters with White Nationalists? By the way, all of what you are describing above have happened on Trump's watch, this was not the way it was prior to his being in office. How is he going to resolve a problem he perpetuates?
Your narrative is a constant drone of oppressor/oppressed race-baiting intended to divide the country in as many ways as you possibly can. You love to sell “victim-hood” to people of color every chance you get because it’s such an easy sell, compared to actually teaching people to stand on their own two feet and take personal responsibility for their own lives and their own communities and their own futures. But you won’t do that, you will never do that, because then you will lose control over people of color. They might actually start thinking for themselves, God forbid!
We don’t have to sell “victim-hood,” as stated above. They ARE victims and they are telling us that. We are just supporting their message just as the Equal Rights Movement has done for decades. You believe “they” can stand on their own two feet, and take personal responsibility. Breonna Taylor is just one of many examples of someone who was doing that. The cops who shot her without cause while she was sleeping, have still not been held accountable. When will you speak to that injustice? Or does it not matter because she is a person of color? Had she been White, I am certain this would have played out differently. And to insinuate that “they” cannot think for themselves because we want to control them, is like saying their race is less intelligent and proving why we believe there's more racism in the Republican party than not. Prove us wrong.
This is why we will vote for Donald Trump.
Not because he is the most charming character on the block.
Not because he is the most polite politician to have ever graced the oval office.
Not because he is the most palatable choice, or because we love his moral character or because the man never lies, but because we are sick to death of you and all of the destructive crap you are doing to this once beautiful and relatively safe country.
Your ineffective and completely dysfunctional liberal “leadership”(?) has literally destroyed our most beautiful cities, our public education system, and done it’s damndest to rip faith out of people’s lives.
I will not fault you for why you voted for him in 2016. He was not your typical career politician that many of us were tired of. MANY of us wanted change for America and Election Day was not easy for us either. It was a lesser of two evils. But at the end of the day, you don’t hire someone without any experience for the very job they are applying for. Hiring Trump to run America without any true understanding of the political system, laws or global relationships was the equivalent of hiring a butcher to be a gynecologist. And to this, I say no one should ever be allowed to run for that position without having served in some political capacity whether that be a Mayor, State Representative, Governor, etc. There has to be a track record of their donors, what they support and what they have voted for so American Voters have something tangible to support their voting decision. Without making these types of changes, we will continue to have people like Kanye West on our ballots. Our democracy is not a joke.
However bad Donald Trump may be, and he is far from perfect, every day we look at you and feel that no matter what Donald Trump says or does there is no possible way he could be any worse for our country than you people are.
We are sick to death of your stupid, destructive, ignorant, and intolerant behavior and beliefs — parading as “wokeness.” We are beyond sick of your hypocrisy and B.S.
We are fed up with your disrespectful divisiveness and constant unrelenting harping and whining and complaining (while you live in the most privileged nation in the world), while making literally zero contributions of anything positive to our society. Your entire focus is on ripping things down, never ever building anything up. Think about that as there is something fundamentally very wrong in the psychology of people who choose destruction as their primary modus operandi.
When Donald J Trump is reelected, don’t blame us, look in the mirror and blame yourselves.
We won’t be doing this either. Why? Because you yourselves had an opportunity to look for a better candidate for your party and support their efforts to take on Trump within his own party in 2020. You’ve acknowledged several points about how you know he is essentially corrupt, but you continue to blame us for the fact that he is President. Your party had a chance to jump off the “Trump Train” and find someone more qualified and reasonable. Had you done so, you might have turned Liberal Voters into Republican Voters. Instead you’ve had many Republican’s jump ship and choose Country over Party, as you always should. Where is your accountability for keeping someone within your own party that you think is terrible? If you don’t believe there is a better candidate within your own party that is not what you described about the President you support, what does that say about Republican values?
Because you are the ones that are responsible for the rise of Donald Trump. You are the ones who have created this "monster" that you so despise, by your very actions. By your refusal to respect your fellow Americans, and the things that are important to us.
You have made fun of the “fly-over states,” the people who “cling to their guns and religion,” the middle class factory workers and coal miners and underprivileged rural populations that you dismissively call “yahoos” and “deplorables.” You have mocked our faith and our religion. You have mocked our values and our patriotism. You have trampled our flag and insulted our veterans and treated our first responders with contempt and hatred.
You have made environmentalism your religion, while trashing every city you have taken responsibility for. You scream from the rooftops about “global warming” and a “green new deal” while allowing tens of thousands of homeless people to cover your streets in literal sh!t and garbage and needles and plastic waste without doing a single thing to help them or solve the environmental crisis your failed social policies are creating. But we’re supposed to put YOU in charge of the environment while gutting our entire economy to institute this plan when you can’t even clean up a single city??
You do realize that 3 years, ago the “threats” you claim today were not so. You were instilled with irrational fear in order to obtain your votes. Instead rural communities have been greatly impacted by Tariff’s that WE pay for, not China. This left many farmers at risk of losing everything they worked hard for. To fix this, Trump provided bail outs, on YOUR dime to appear he was fixing a problem HE created. And where are the factories and jobs he promised us? How is rural American thriving under his reign?
Many of us are Veterans, love Veterans and support Veterans. Instead he's taken credit for a Bill to support Veterans that John McCain, also a Veteran which Trump insulted before and after his death, actually wrote. And back to my point of track records, Biden has voted more than not on bills that support Veterans, as his own son was a war Veteran. Instead, you defend a man who’s draft-dodged multiple times and whose sons did not serve themselves And you’re OK with him insulting Veterans? How is that Patriotic?
Yes, let’s speak about that homelessness and trash on the streets. Let’s talk about the fact that during the Reagan administration the War on Drugs was the start of punishing, not rehabilitating. We have privatized prison systems, which are money making machines. We have depleted funds for mental hospitals and rehab facilities. Those homeless people are both victims of mental illness and addiction. Many of those addicts are from rural America and small towns that have been plagued by the opioid crisis that was a direct result of pharmaceutical companies pushing drugs and "Dr. Feel Good’s" over-prescribing a drug that proved to be cheaper in the form of heroin after someone had already become addicted to a prescribed medication. Take a look at the funding records of many of these politicians and see who their donors are--follow the money. This is on the Left AND the Right.
You complain — endlessly — yet have failed to solve a single social problem anywhere. In fact, all you have done is create more of them.
We’ve had enough. We are tired of quietly sitting by and being the “silent”
majority. So don’t be surprised when the day comes when we finally respond. And
trust me it’s coming, sooner than you might think. And also trust me when I say
it won’t be pretty. Get ready.
So let me understand this; You want to engage in a hybrid of a
Civil-War/Nazi Germany scenario on American soil against people, you believe,
don’t have the same ideals as you? And that adhere's to the
Constitution and Bible how? You would choose to do the very thing you’re angry
with rioters for doing? Burn down cities, wreck businesses, schools and
neighborhoods-- for your ideals? And then
what? When you feel you’ve eradicated the Left, their children, and the innocent,
you will be satisfied? The fact that you’d be living in a war zone and have
destroyed your economy and land in the process, will be OK with you because it
was all in the name of your beliefs? You do realize that our Founding Fathers
devised the Constitution (you like to bring up a lot) to ensure a balanced
system to avoid this kind of upset that they fled from? You’re supporting a
dictatorship at this point and the very freedoms that you cherish, are now an
When Donald Trump is reelected it will be because you and your “comrades” have chosen to trash the police, harass law-abiding citizens, and go on rampages destroying public property that we have all paid for and you have zero respect for.
When Donald Trump is reelected it will be because we are sick of your complete and utter nonsense and destruction. How does it feel to know that half of this country finds you FAR more despicable than Donald J. Trump, the man you consider to be the anti-Christ?
Let that sink in.
We consider you to be more despicable, more dangerous, more stupid, and more narcissistic than Donald Trump. Maybe allow yourself a few seconds of self-reflection to let that sink in. This election isn’t about Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden.
This is about Donald Trump vs YOU.
So if on the morning of November 4 (or more likely January 19, by the time the Supreme Court will weigh in on the mail-in ballot fiasco that we are headed towards), and Donald J. Trump is reelected?
The only people you have to blame is the left-wing media drones and yourselves.
You did this.
Yep you.”
In conclusion, I will state it again. WE DON’T BLAME YOU FOR VOTING HIM INTO OFFICE IN 2016! Many of us were wanting a change, something out of the norm, too. We were tired of political speak and being sold empty promises. We know Middle-America and the working class have been the most impacted for generations because the rich got richer, and the middle got poor, and the poor got poorer. We know, because we have suffered through it too! The truth is, we have no good choices. And they know that. They know that the ones who could actually make the change that we all crave, would affect their bottom line and those who fund their campaign accounts. They have used ALL of us and in the process divided us more than I’ve ever thought possible. When will we take our country back? When will we learn to live in a place where it’s OK to disagree, but at the end of the day, still take care of each other because we care more about our neighbors, than a politician who knows nothing about the life we live. When?
When Donald Trump is reelected it will be because you and your “comrades” have chosen to trash the police, harass law-abiding citizens, and go on rampages destroying public property that we have all paid for and you have zero respect for.
When Donald Trump is reelected it will be because we are sick of your complete and utter nonsense and destruction. How does it feel to know that half of this country finds you FAR more despicable than Donald J. Trump, the man you consider to be the anti-Christ?
Let that sink in.
We consider you to be more despicable, more dangerous, more stupid, and more narcissistic than Donald Trump. Maybe allow yourself a few seconds of self-reflection to let that sink in. This election isn’t about Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden.
This is about Donald Trump vs YOU.
So if on the morning of November 4 (or more likely January 19, by the time the Supreme Court will weigh in on the mail-in ballot fiasco that we are headed towards), and Donald J. Trump is reelected?
The only people you have to blame is the left-wing media drones and yourselves.
You did this.
Yep you.”
In conclusion, I will state it again. WE DON’T BLAME YOU FOR VOTING HIM INTO OFFICE IN 2016! Many of us were wanting a change, something out of the norm, too. We were tired of political speak and being sold empty promises. We know Middle-America and the working class have been the most impacted for generations because the rich got richer, and the middle got poor, and the poor got poorer. We know, because we have suffered through it too! The truth is, we have no good choices. And they know that. They know that the ones who could actually make the change that we all crave, would affect their bottom line and those who fund their campaign accounts. They have used ALL of us and in the process divided us more than I’ve ever thought possible. When will we take our country back? When will we learn to live in a place where it’s OK to disagree, but at the end of the day, still take care of each other because we care more about our neighbors, than a politician who knows nothing about the life we live. When?
Couldn't have said it better.